Month: July 2022

Specialist Dementia Care Program for the Elderly

Dementia is a progressive disease that affects memory and thinking skills. It usually starts after age 65, and most people will develop symptoms in later years. The earlier treatment begins, the better chance there is for success. We provide a

Find Retirement with ease and enjoy it.

Step 1: Start thinking about retirement regardless of your age   I don’t know what the magic number is for retirement.  In the past it used to be age 65 which fell in line with when you could apply for

More face-to-face Aged Care Specialist Officer services being offered

Additional aged care support will now be available at an estimated 80 locations across Australia. The face-to-face service will be provided at Services Australia Service Centres and will assist older Australians with:   information on the different types of aged

Minimum pension drawdown rates for FY 22-23 provides relief to retirees.

The reduction in the superannuation drawdown rate for another 12 months will enable retirees to cope better with the volatility in investment markets, SMSF Association deputy chief executive Peter Burgess says. The Morrison government first introduced a reduction in the

Downsizer Contribution

What is the downsizer contribution? The downsizer contribution is an amount of up to $300,000 that can be paid in to your super, from the proceeds of selling your home. If you have a spouse, the total contribution is up